mqtt_constant module

mqtt_constant.AUTHORITY_CERT_PATH = 'certs/VeriSign-Class_3-Public-Primary-Certification-Authority-G5.pem'

Relative path to certifcate of authority

mqtt_constant.AWS_ENDPOINT = ''

The middle part of the endpoint that indicates regions of aws service

mqtt_constant.CERTIFICATE_PATH = 'certs/certificate.pem.crt'

Relative path to device certificate, downloaded from aws IoT

mqtt_constant.CLIENT_ID = 'lambda_service'

ID of this lambda handler function


How many seconds to wait before concluding that the connect/disconnect operation has timed out

mqtt_constant.DRAINING_FREQ = 5

How many requests that the Mqtt will try to resolve per seconds(the unit is Hz) if there is a big queue

mqtt_constant.ENDPT_FILE_PATH = 'certs/accessPointID.txt'

relative file path that has accessPointID, access point ID can be obtained by obtaining the first part of the REST API in the aws IoT core console

mqtt_constant.INITIAL_BACKOFF_TIME = 1

How may seconds to stop before retransmitting upon the first conflict in mqtt

mqtt_constant.KEEP_ALIVE_SECONDS = 300

Duration between ping to mqtt server to indicate the intention to continue connection

mqtt_constant.MAX_BACKOFF_TIME = 5

Max seconds to stop before retransmitting upon continuous conflict in mqtt

mqtt_constant.MQTT_PORT = 8883

Port used by secure MQTT service

mqtt_constant.OFFLINE_PUB_QUEUE = 3

Max number of requests to be queue while the lambda handler is offline, 0 for none, -1 for infinite

mqtt_constant.OPERATION_TIMEOUT = 4

How many seconds to wait before concluding that general operation(not special one like connect/disconenct) has timed out

mqtt_constant.PRIVATE_KEY_PATH = 'certs/private.pem.key'

Relative path to private key, downloaded from aws IoT

mqtt_constant.PUB_QOS = 1

Publish Quality of service, service of 1 guarantees at least 1 delivery arrives at target, 0 means best effort not gurantee

mqtt_constant.STABLE_TIME = 3

How much time in seconds are considered stable, after this amount of time, the backoff time will be reset back to the initial level

mqtt_constant.SUB_QOS = 1

Subscribe QoS, similar to PUB_QOS

mqtt_constant.UNCERTAINTY_MS = 200

Uncertainty of measurement that is reported to Alexa during responses